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The Infaernal Visions board

The Infaernal Visions board - Mind's Vision

With your help, we just unlocked our Season 1 on the crowdfunding campaign, and all backers will get this extra piece of content for free at its release date! With this, our next stretch goal is the Gold Edging feature for the Hardcover book, with Season 2 just after that! Thank you so much for your support!

In the meantime, we would like to offer a better look at the final configuration of our Infaernal Visions board. While the tables with nouns and verbs are present in both editions of the book (the Hardcover book and the Old School version), the Infaernal Visions board takes these to make something really special: our own version of an Ouija-like table, where you roll your action dice over the board to see not only the results but to get inspiration about how those actions happen in the scene. As you can see below, the board is filled with areas that include Yes/No, nouns, and verbs; when your rolled dice fall over one of these, you must use the selected words to build your scene.

We are still working on fine-tuning, but we are already very excited about how the tool is shaping up!

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