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Stretch Goal Unlocked: The Oracle Bookmark

Stretch Goal Unlocked: The Oracle Bookmark - Mind's Vision

We are in the initial stages of unlocking stretch goals, and the first one is already available: The Oracle Bookmark. All physical editions will include this one and a print-and-play file will be included in the digital bundle.
The bookmark has a small game function: In cooperative games, this marker will sit in the center of the table, pointing to one player. Other players can ask broader questions for that player to answer. What they say automatically becomes a truth in the fiction. Additionally, the Oracle can interpret the actions of other characters that appear as the story progresses. One detail: a specific rule ensures players take turns as the Oracle. And, of course, don't worry: nobody is obligated to take on this role if they don't want to.

We also added a new stretch goal that we are very excited about, but we need your help to achieve it: Gold Edging, meaning the edges of the pages will have that golden effect. We think it fits the fantasy of the game and the book well, so it will be viable if the campaign gets over the 21k mark. We have more exciting things planned, but we want to see how the campaign progresses.
Before that, we also have a print with the artwork used in the first edition of Infaernum back in Brazil, before all the supplements and additions. It was our way to pay homage to the element that started it all. Once unlocked, we will also add some behind-the-scenes commentary on the making of that art and the game.
Along the way, we also have the first 'Season' of additional content for Infaernum. It's a small digital package of extras that includes premade enemies, supplications, and other game elements that will add more flavor to the game.
So, like we said, there's a lot of stuff yet to happen!

As a reminder, these are the final hours to get the Early Bird gift of the hand-numbered A5 print. If you've been waiting to pull the trigger, don't forget.
We will be back soon with more updates. Thank you again for your support. It has been amazing to see all the reactions and comments about the game so far!

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